Tuesday, November 13, 2007


he showed me beauty
painted more than seven colors
of the rainbow,
showered me not of chocolates,
flowers and precious stuff
but he gave me his life.

he sings me a medley
nobody knows when he’ll stop
hope he won’t because
his voice delights my senses
and when I close my eyes
his presence seems all over me.

Odds and ends
he tied my shoelace to the ground
thought I would not be able to run
but instead I flew to my dreams.
“To be or not to be?”
he asked with an irresistible charm.
I answered, “Stay beside me.”

Bits and bobs
everything is He…
a mixture of hues of amber,
bright velvety drops of mist,
a rush of crimson waves
touching my soles on the sand
as I rest my heart and life to thee…

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